About 1smgwebmaster

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AC Spring Tune-Up & Maintenance

AC is something that many people take for granted; especially in areas of the country where heat can be an issue, like Las Vegas. However, you should never just take for granted that your AC will continue to work as it should. Just like your car, your AC is more likely to break down if […]

Do I Need to Turn off My Furnace in Spring?

When spring arrives, you start to think about all the things that you need to do to prepare for the summer months ahead. It’s time to spring clean your home and tidy up the yard. It may also be time to arrange a tune-up for your AC system. If you experience any problems, you may […]

How to Balance Air with HVAC Zoning System?

Looking for a balanced temperature and well-controlled air throughout your home? We’ve gone into the details of HVAC zoning in this article in order to help you to understand more about air balancing and the benefits of an HVAC zoning system. We talk you through the concept of HVAC zones along with information on how […]

Furnace or Heat Pump? Which Heating System to Choose?

Lots of people out there are wondering the most efficient and effective system of heating their home, and one of the questions that comes up is whether furnace or heat pump is the best heating system for your home. A heat pump is a part of the heating system that uses the air from outdoors. […]

Is It Safe To Use Air Conditioner for Your Baby Room? 

Having a baby brings a lot of changes to your life. There are suddenly a lot of things you need to consider that you may not have even thought about before. One of these new considerations is the baby room temperature. If you live in an area that is often warm, you may be wondering […]

How Reverse Osmosis Works

You may have heard about reverse osmosis systems without fully understanding the technology, what they do, and what the benefits of reverse osmosis are. In this article, we’re exploring how reverse osmosis works and whether it can be a solution for you, in either a commercial or industrial setting. What Is Reverse Osmosis? Reverse osmosis, […]

Having air conditioning is linked with good mental health

Can an air conditioner have a significant impact on your mental health? In this article, we’re looking at the links between air conditioners and mental health. It may sound like an outlandish claim, but when you think about it, it is clear to see the two could be linked. Heat can be uncomfortable and excess […]

Single-Hose vs. Dual-Hose Air Conditioners

Choosing between a single hose portable air conditioner and a dual hose portable air conditioner (PAC) is largely dependent on your personal preferences and the size of the space you wish to cool. They’re also a better option for people who want a portable air conditioner that can be carried from room to room with […]