About 1smgwebmaster

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Meanwhile lets just say that we are proud 1smgwebmaster contributed a whooping 254 entries.

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Maintenance Checklist for Central Heating System

Because you only rely on your central heating system during certain seasons, it can go for long stretches without ever being used. Central Heating system maintenance can be quite easy if you can regularly check-up certain parts of the system. If you can follow this simple checklist of heating service maintenance, you can avoid some […]

Plan Ahead to Avoid Frozen Pipes

We can understand why so many people love winter. The cooler weather brings relief to the summer heat, the snow can be beautiful, and the season is cozy and perfect for cuddling up on a couch inside. But winter can also wreak havoc on your home’s pipes. The water in your pipes can freeze during […]

2016 Winter Heating Guide – Preparing to Face the Cold

Winter is just around the corner. If you want your home to be as warm and comfortable as possible, without ending up bankrupted due to the heating bills, it is time you considered some preparations and safety measures. 10 Things You Can Do to Keep Your Heating Bills Low Welcome sun into your home. Those […]

5 Outdated Plumbing Solutions to Avoid

Are you planning a plumbing project? No matter if it refers to new construction plumbing or existing plumbing repair, you need to make sure your plumber uses the safest and most durable materials and applies the newest and most efficient plumbing solutions. With so many solutions on the market, it would be impossible to name […]